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When assisting students in getting ready for the IELTS exam, a major concern often revolves around performing effectively in IELTS Writing Task 2.

IELTS Writing Task 2 constitutes the latter segment of the writing assessment. Here, candidates are provided with a standpoint, argument, or issue and are tasked with crafting an essay in reply. The essay should adhere to a formal tone, be no less than 250 words long, and ideally be completed within 40 minutes.

The IELTS essay task covers multiple types of questions. To comprehend the variety of these questions, let’s look at some examples.

IELTS writing

Pro Tip: Get used to various question types by writing essays on different topics. This will help you adjust and boost your

Structuring the essay :

ielts writing tips

·        Understanding of the question: Prior to providing a response, it’s imperative to comprehend the question thoroughly. This ensures a clear understanding of what the examiner expects. A common pitfall among students is failing to address the question comprehensively, which can hinder them from achieving a score above Band 5.

To effectively analyze the question, it’s essential to first recognize the question type, then pinpoint the keywords within the question, and finally identify any instructional words. This approach aids in understanding precisely what the examiner requires in response to the question.


·        Plan your essay: Students who achieve top scores in Writing Task 2 consistently allocate time for planning, often spending up to 10 minutes on this phase. Planning facilitates the organization of ideas and the structuring of the essay before beginning to write, ultimately saving time and ensuring the production of a clear and cohesive essay.


·        Writing the introduction: The introduction should provide a direct response to the question. This demonstrates to the examiner that you have a clear understanding of the task from the outset and assists in guiding the development of your main body paragraphs.


·        Body paragraphs: In the main body paragraphs, you elaborate further by presenting your main points and supporting them with detailed explanations and relevant examples.


·        Conclusion: In the conclusion, you should offer a recapitulation of the key points discussed throughout your essay, providing a succinct summary of the main ideas presented.


Common IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

·        Health

·        Environment

·        Education 

·        International Development

·        Globalisation

·        Public Transport

·        Crime & Punishment

·        Youth Crime 

·        Technology

·        Traditional Culture 

·        Travel & Tourism 

·        Society 

Analyse the essay questions meticulously to grasp their nuances and requirements, ensuring alignment with the IELTS writing rubric. Understanding the rubric’s criteria for coherence, cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical accuracy, and task response enables precise tailoring of your response, maximizing your score potential.

Certainly! Here are some key points to consider when analyzing the given question to produce an IELTS Writing Task 2 band 9 essay:

1. Identify the Task: Clearly understand the task you are being asked to perform. Is it to discuss a problem, express an opinion, compare viewpoints, or propose solutions? This understanding is crucial for task achievement.

2. Recognize Key Components: Identify the main components of the question, such as the topic, the specific issues or aspects to be addressed, and any instructions or limitations provided.

3. Define the Scope: Determine the scope of the essay based on the question. Decide whether you need to present arguments for or against a proposition, provide a balanced view, or propose solutions to a problem.

4. Consider Audience and Purpose: Keep in mind the target audience (typically educated adults) and the purpose of the essay (to inform, persuade, or analyze). Tailor your language and tone accordingly.

5. Brainstorm Ideas: Generate relevant ideas, examples, and arguments related to the topic. Consider various perspectives and possible counterarguments to develop a well-rounded response.

6. Formulate a Thesis Statement: Craft a concise thesis statement that directly addresses the essay question and outlines your main argument or stance. This statement should guide the development of your essay.

7. Plan Your Essay Structure: Devise a clear and coherent essay structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to enhance coherence and cohesion.

8. Select Appropriate Vocabulary: Use a varied and precise vocabulary to convey your ideas effectively. Incorporate relevant academic or formal language where appropriate to demonstrate lexical resource.

9. Maintain Grammatical Accuracy: Pay attention to grammatical structures, sentence variety, and punctuation to ensure clarity and accuracy in your writing. Avoid common errors that may detract from your overall score.

10. Address All Aspects of the Question: Ensure that your essay addresses all aspects of the essay question comprehensively. Stay focused on the topic and avoid irrelevant tangents.


By following these guidelines and thoroughly analyzing the given question, you can produce a well-structured and high-scoring IELTS Writing Task 2 essay that meets the criteria for band 9 performance.

If you need any help with IELTS writing, then you can join Immi Talks, one of the best IELTS coaching institute in Jammu & Delhi, India, unlock your potential to excel in the IELTS exam. With our proven track record of success and commitment to student excellence, we are confident that you’ll be well-equipped to achieve your desired score and take the next step towards your academic and professional dreams.

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