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Average Cost of Living in Australia for International Students

Australia has long been a magnet for students from around the world, offering not only high-quality education but also a vibrant multicultural environment and diverse experiences. However, for many prospective international students, the decision to study in Australia is often accompanied by questions about the cost of living. In this blog, we’ll delve into the average cost of living in Australia, particularly for students coming from places like Jammu & Delhi, India, and provide insights to help you plan your finances accordingly.

Understanding the Basics:

Before diving into specifics, it’s essential to understand the components that contribute to the cost of living in Australia:

Accommodation: Rental prices vary significantly depending on the city and type of accommodation. Options range from shared apartments and student halls to private rentals.

Food: Eating out, grocery shopping, and dining choices affect the monthly food expenses.

Transportation: Public transport, fuel costs, and the need for occasional travel all contribute to transportation expenses

Healthcare: While international students are generally required to have health insurance, there may still be additional costs for medical services and prescriptions.

Utilities: These include electricity, water, heating, internet, and phone bills.

Miscellaneous: This category covers expenses such as entertainment, clothing, and personal care items.

Average Costs:

Now, let’s break down the average cost of living in Australia, focusing on popular student cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane:

  1. Accommodation:

    • Shared accommodation: AUD 150 – 250 per week
    • On-campus accommodation: AUD 250 – 400 per week
    • Private rental: AUD 250 – 550+ per week
  2. Food:

    • Grocery shopping: AUD 80 – 150 per week
    • Eating out: AUD 10 – 30 per meal
  3. Transportation:

    • Public transport (monthly pass): AUD 120 – 200
    • Fuel (if you own a car): AUD 1.20 – 1.50 per liter
  4. Healthcare:

    • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): AUD 500 – 600 per year
    • Medical consultation: AUD 60 – 100 per visit
  5. Utilities:

    • Electricity, water, heating: AUD 20 – 40 per week
    • Internet and phone: AUD 20 – 40 per month
  6. Miscellaneous:

    • Entertainment and leisure activities: AUD 50 – 100 per week
    • Clothing and personal care: AUD 30 – 50 per month

Tips for Cost-Effective Living:

Budgeting: Create a detailed budget plan covering all expenses to manage finances efficiently.

Accommodation Choices: Consider shared accommodation or on-campus housing to reduce rental expenses.

Cooking at Home: Opt for home-cooked meals instead of eating out frequently to save on food expenses.

Public Transport: Utilize student discounts on public transport or consider cycling or walking for short distances.

Health Insurance: Compare OSHC plans to find the most cost-effective option without compromising on coverage.

Part-Time Work: Explore part-time job opportunities to supplement your income, but ensure it doesn’t interfere with your studies.


While the cost of living in Australia may initially seem daunting, with careful planning and budgeting, it’s entirely manageable for international students from places like Jammu & Delhi, India. By understanding the average expenses and implementing cost-saving strategies, you can fully immerse yourself in the Australian experience without breaking the bank. Additionally, consulting with study abroad consultants in Jammu & Delhi, India can provide valuable insights and assistance in navigating the financial aspects of studying in Australia. With the right preparation, studying abroad in Australia can be an enriching and rewarding journey both academically and culturally.

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